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Starting Fresh!

December 15th, 2020 at 11:36 pm

Long time lurker/blog reader here.  I briefly had one of my own, but was bad about updating.  Plus I used my usual social media handle, and I'd like to fly a little more under the radar.

So I've decided to start fresh with a slightly more anonymous handle Smile

My story?  Almost 42.  Single.  Bought my first home at the end of 2019, right outside NYC.  Have found myself in debt again.  Getting my sh*t together over the next few years (again).

"Bad" debt:

*Credit cards under consolidation - about $35k (will be paid off Aug 2023)

*Active credit cards - about $11k (focusing on those over the next few years, plan isn't really fleshed out other than get rid of these balances!)

*Car loan - about $15k (will be paid off Aug 2023)

*401k loan 1 - about $8k (will be paid off Feb 2023)

*401k loan 2 - about $6k (will be paid off Oct 2023)

*Mom debt - about $17k (will be paid off sometimes in 2024 at latest, firming up my plan for this)

"Good" debt:

*Mortgage - about $150k (payoff fall of 2049, but unlikely to go that far, this is not a priority at the moment)

*Student loans - About $4k (not sure when these will be paid off, again not a priority)

I've been projecting my overall plan to tackle all of this and more over the next few years - as you can see, 2023 is when I get a lot more breathing room.  I'll go into more detail on that in future posts!  For now, hello and glad to be joining you on the blogging side.  Please be nice - not looking for any judgement here!  Just looking for a place to share my journey honestly.

8 Responses to “Starting Fresh!”

  1. terri77 Says:

    Welcome back!

  2. FocusedinmyForties Says:

    Thanks for the warm welcome, all!

  3. Brunette Says:

    Yay! So excited for you! "Starting" really is the first step! I have a lot of credit card debt and am working to dig out that hole too. Good luck to you!

  4. Petunia 100 Says:

    Welcome back. I *think* I may know which name you were using before. I hope that I am right, because I have wondered how you were doing. Congrats on your new home and best of luck to you with your goals. Smile

  5. Fern Says:

    Congrats on the new focus and goals.

  6. FocusedinmyForties Says:

    Ha, Petunia, if we both frequent another personal finance site, and have interacted a bit there over the years, then yes, you're probably thinking of the correct person Smile

  7. Petunia 100 Says:

    Yes, that is exactly who I was thinking you might be! It is so nice to see you here again. And now I am even more excited about your new home. That is wonderful. Smile

  8. Rachael Resk Says:

    Good first post and looking forward to more. We can all learn from each other.

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